Resolve Church Conflicts
Helping churches and members navigate and resolve complex conflicts effectively.
Conflict Resolution
“Hear the causes between your brethren,” Deuteronomy 1:16
“Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints. Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?” 1st Corinthians 6:1-2
God’s commands the church to resolve conflicts among its members – between husband and wife, between parents and children, between members and their elders, and even between the local church and larger church organization. This command is clearly stated in Deuteronomy 19 and Matthew 18 but unfortunately this simple mandate is often ignored, and the results are devastating. Divorce, separation, child disobedience and rebellion, feminism, …
Conflict Resolution Services
EDUCATION: At BCRI, we can educate church members and their elders on God’s quick and simply 3-step process of conflict resolution – 1) The two in conflict must communicate, 2) if they can’t resolve an issue, then they are to bring in others to help, called “witnesses,” who are to do “diligent inquiry” and focus on the “putting away the evil,” and if the person refuses to repent and change, then they are commended to “stand before the Lord” and the case is 3) quickly submitted to the members of the church for a vote and disciplinary action.
PROVIDE THE PROCESS: At BCRI, we providing trained, unbiased, “witnesses” and guide the two in conflict through at least step 1 and 2 and will work with your local church to follow God’s command to complete their duty and responsibility in step 3 which most churches are woefully failing in. We only provide counseling and counselors after this process is completed.
TRAINING: At BCRI we provide training to those who want to participate in this process and help those in conflicts such as divorce, separation, child rebellion, feminism, claims of domestic violence, false doctrines, improper actions by elders, etc. Promoting family “oneness”, loyalty, obedience, due process, and to restore relationships within the church community.
COUNSELING AND COUNSELORS: At BCRI, we adhere to God’s command to complete this process then, as instructed God, to specifically leave it up to Him to change the person’ heart. Then we are given the wonderful and specific promise that if we follow this process, that “any thing” we ask to heal the conflict ” shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven“! How incredible is that! Yet this method is counter to “man’s way” which is to minimize, soften, and even ignore the sinful act, and to rush to expensive, prolonged, “professional” counseling thus giving the glory to man. Don’t fall into this trap like so many have, Only after this process is completed and the sinner refuses to repent do we bring in our team of counselors, in coordination with the aggrieved party and the church if possible, to become the “shepherd” seeking the “lost sheep.” Our counselors are not “professionally trained” nor hold any formal education degree, but are volunteers educated and trained by BCRI in biblical principles which is our highest standard and are paid wholly by donations making our counseing extremely affordable.
Conflict Resolution Counselors
Call us for an initial evaluation
(530) 917 2763
Resolve Conflicts Now
We help church members navigate and resolve conflicts with compassion and biblical principles. Find peace and restoration today.